This handcrafted handle was made by Robert Quinn from Lignum Vitae, which has a growth range limited to the West Indies, Central America, and northern South America. The name is Latin for “wood of life” and is derived from its medicinal uses. The resin has been used to treat a variety of medical conditions from coughs to arthritis. Wood chips can also be used to brew a tea. Lignum Vitae is one of the hardest and heaviest woods (three times as hard as oak) and will rapidly sink to the bottom when placed in water. Another place that Lignum Vitae is used is in United States courtrooms, where the judge’s gavel is traditionally made from this fine wood. According to T.H. White’s Version of the Artus Saga “The Once and Future King”, Lignum Vitae has special magical powers, as the staff of Merlin is made from it.
This razor handle is 3.875 inches long and weighs 1.6 ounces.